
merckens development support gmbh
3089077 Ulm, Germany

Phone +49 731 3608254
Fax +49 731 3608253

Managing Director: Klaus Merckens
Register Court: Amtsgericht Ulm
Commercial register: HRB 730001Tax
Tax number : 88003/35971
VAT ID : DE815469563EORI
EORI number : DE325055538719378SEPA
SEPA Creditor ID: DE33ZZ00001222351

The copyright for published objects created by merckens development support gmbh itself remains solely with merckens development support gmbh as the author. All brands and trademarks mentioned on the website and, if applicable, protected by third parties, are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owner. Our photos – unless otherwise stated – were photographed by our managing director.

Despite continuous and careful updating, the contents of the website may change in the meantime. For this reason, merckens development support gmbh excludes liability for any damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of its website, insofar as this is not due to intent or gross negligence. Furthermore, merckens development support gmbh is not responsible for the websites referred to by hyperlinks and accepts no liability or warranty for them. Should you believe certain linked external sites violate applicable laws or otherwise contain inappropriate content, we would appreciate being notified. Thank you.

The goals, activities and offers of merckens development support gmbh are fundamentally aimed at women and men. If we have frequently chosen either the masculine or the feminine form of personal designations, this is exclusively for reasons of better readability.